New Ashgate Gallery champions the best of contemporary art and craft providing an unparalleled resource in Farnham, Surrey and beyond

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Lucy Burley

Bottle - Indigo blue

White earthenware


Long-necked oval vase - Laurel green

White earthenware


Bottle - Ivory

White earthenware


Long-necked oval vase - Pistachio green

White earthenware


Bottle - Slate Grey

White earthenware


Oval vase - Citrus green

White earthenware


Bottle - French Grey

White earthenware


Long-necked oval vase - Kingfisher blue

White earthenware


Long-necked oval vase - Turquoise

White earthenware


New Ashgate Gallery
Waggon Yard, Farnham GU9 7PS

Telephone: 01252 713208
Charity: 274326
Company: 1324906
VAT registration: 413979331

Art NPO of the Year 2023 - South England Prestige Awards
  • Farnham Craft Town
  • New Ashgate Gallery