New Ashgate Gallery champions the best of contemporary art and craft providing an unparalleled resource in Farnham, Surrey and beyond

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Liz Toole

Abundance' in fuchsia, (28/100), un/fr, unmounted


Ref: 127483


Liz Toole

In her recent paintings, Liz has been combining her love of pattern and colour with landscapes, butterflies and birds to create magical worlds that reflect the variety and extraordinary diversity of nature.

Her studio is a crucible where diverse sources are melded together through the act of painting. Photographs, drawings, wallpaper designs and nature books are all combined with inspiration taken from travels in Africa, visits to Kew Gardens and walks on the Sussex Downs. The resulting paintings and prints feel like a place where magical events might occur. Local and tropical birds inhabit fantastical imaginary trees and are immersed in a landscape of lively pattern and vibrant colour.

The starting point for Liz's paintings is source material that includes botanical studies and ornithology books, but once the paintings begin, the images evolve through the process of painting, birds blend with imaginary foliage to create harmonious scenes in an imaginary world.

The prints of William Morris are a strong inspiration, alongside influences from Eastern arts in their use of composition, form and colour.

New Ashgate Gallery
Waggon Yard, Farnham GU9 7PS

Telephone: 01252 713208
Charity: 274326
Company: 1324906
VAT registration: 413979331

Art NPO of the Year 2023 - South England Prestige Awards
  • Farnham Craft Town
  • New Ashgate Gallery