New Ashgate Gallery champions the best of contemporary art and craft providing an unparalleled resource in Farnham, Surrey and beyond

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Sarah Packington

Sarah Packington

Necklace - Block, jade


Ref: 124299


Sarah Packington

Sarah's acrylic and silver jewellery has evolved from a love of colour and simple, abstract patterns. She is particularly drawn to 1950's fabric designs, such as those of Lucienne Day.

Sarah has been making jewellery since graduating from Brighton Polytechnic in 1992. She began by using mainly geometric forms enhanced by resist-dying in bright contrasting colours. Recent designs have moved towards softer, more organic imagery reminiscent of pebbles, leaves and plant forms.

The current collection, uses computer draw shapes which are then laser cut. Sarah adds surface design by laser etching or drawing lines by hand with a mini drill. Each piece is dyed and polished back to reveal colour in the etched lines or on the edges, and finish by adding hand made findings.

New Ashgate Gallery
Waggon Yard, Farnham GU9 7PS

Telephone: 01252 713208
Charity: 274326
Company: 1324906
VAT registration: 413979331

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