New Ashgate Gallery champions the best of contemporary art and craft providing an unparalleled resource in Farnham, Surrey and beyond

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Chrissy Silver


Chrissy is a passionate gardener and potter. She works with porcelain making fine detailed lamps, pendants, and tea light holders using botanical pressings from flowers she grows in her garden. The lamp light accentuates the fine detail made by the pressings leaving a 'ghost image' where the light shines through. Chrissy also uses pieces of fine linen, lace, and lava stones. All pieces are made with the freshest of foliage, making each piece unique and capturing the essence of the seasons for reflexion in the darker winter months.

Chrissy Silver

New Ashgate Gallery
Waggon Yard, Farnham GU9 7PS

Telephone: 01252 713208
Charity: 274326
Company: 1324906
VAT registration: 413979331

Art NPO of the Year 2023 - South England Prestige Awards
  • Farnham Craft Town
  • New Ashgate Gallery